Training Program for Professional Mountain Leaders According to the IML (International Mountain Leader) Standard Under the Jurisdiction of the International Union UIMLA - Union of International Mountain Leaders Associations


The IML (International Mountain Leader) standard is an international standard for professional mountain leaders who lead clients on hiking tours, specifically on "non-technical terrain" where no specialized mountaineering techniques and skills are required, such as climbing, ski touring, or caving, and where no mountaineering equipment is necessary. Due to the technical nature of such activities, this category of mountain tours is also called "mountain walking tours."

An International Mountain Leader is NOT ALLOWED TO USE THEIR LICENSE AND BADGE FOR LEADING CLIENTS ON TECHNICAL MOUNTAIN TERRAIN—ALPINE TERRAIN—where knowledge of mountaineering techniques and the use of mountaineering equipment is required.

The training program pertains to the training of mountain leaders according to the IML (International Mountain Leader - mountain walking tours) standard and is adapted according to the standards of the Union of International Mountain Leaders Associations (UIMLA). The standards of UIMLA are recommended by the European Union Directive for the development of common standards for professional mountain leaders throughout Europe.

The Macedonian Association of International Mountain Leaders (MKAIML) is a national organization of professional mountain leaders from Macedonia, which has been a member of UIMLA since 2008 and, since 2018, a full member with the right to issue licenses for professional mountain leaders (UIMLA - IML International Mountain Leader).

The licenses issued by MKAIML — UIMLA Cards are standardized for all UIMLA members and have international validity, which entails obligations to adhere to international standards for training and licensing of leaders and to respect the norms for professional work with clients in mountain tourism.

The training standards for mountain leaders recommended by UIMLA are defined in the document titled UIMLA STANDARD - Standard for Access to and Practice of the Profession of the International Mountain Leader, which is aligned with European legislation.

In the Republic of North Macedonia, the training program for International Mountain Leaders is conducted by the Center for Education, Science, and Research Mountain Academy Mavrovo, which is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North Macedonia with Decision No. 10-115/23.

The practice of International Mountain Leaders in the Republic of North Macedonia is defined by the Low on Tourism, in Article 39, Paragraph 3, as the only professionals authorized to lead tourist groups in the mountains.

The license—the professional Mountain Leader card—is issued with a sticker bearing a unique identification number for the holder, valid for one year. To renew the license, the leader is required to attend an annual relicensing seminar, which usually lasts two to three days, as well as to pay membership fees to MKAIML and comply with the organization's operational regulations.

Leading clients in the mountains involves elements from various disciplines and skills, not just knowledge of tourist operations, which is essentially only a part of the leader's overall work. Given the specific nature of the profession, a high-quality and strict training system is necessary to ensure that the profession is carried out safely and in accordance with all international standards of modern tourist operations.

To meet international standards, the training process is divided into several phases, which are interconnected within a common framework that enables the formation of competent professionals who can competently perform their duties and provide high-quality services in mountain tourism:

- First Phase: Selection of candidates through practical and theoretical tests;

- Second Phase: Training to acquire the status of Aspirant for International Mountain Leader;

- Third Phase: Completion of training with passing the winter and summer final exams and fulfilling the internship criteria, which include leading at least 10 summer and 10 winter tours with clients in the mountains under the mentorship of a licensed Mountain Leader, holder of a renewed UIMLA license, and a member of the training team at the Mountain Academy.

Objective of the Training

The mountain Leader training aims to equip candidates, the future International Mountain Leaders, with the skills necessary to perform the following activities:

  1. Safely accompany and lead groups in mountain environments, in both summer and winter conditions.
  2. Assess the readiness level of clients in relation to the difficulty of the mountain tour.
  3. Properly plan and safely execute a mountain tour, adhering to basic mountain safety principles.
  4. Handle personal and collective mountain equipment correctly, understand its maintenance principles, and advise clients accordingly.
  5. Understand basic meteorology and weather forecasting principles.
  6. Navigate mountain terrain under various weather conditions and on different, non-technical terrain configurations.
  7. Care for mountain infrastructure, maintain and mark mountain trails, and develop informational materials for mountain trails and adventure tourism.
  8. Educate participants in mountain tours about the natural, cultural, and historical specifics of the locations they visit.
  9. Provide first aid in mountain environments.
  10. Successfully manage the group they are leading, including preventing and resolving potential internal conflicts.
  11. Understand the basic principles of working in tourism, both domestically and internationally.
  12. Be familiar with the basic insurance and safety regulations in tourism, with an emphasis on mountain tourism.
  13. Understand and apply environmental protection principles in mountain settings.
  14. Protect and promote natural and cultural heritage.

Implementation of the Training

Expert Team

The training is conducted by a team of professionals from the Center for Education, Science, and Research Mountain Academy - Mavrovo, most of whom are licensed UIMLA Leaders—International Mountain Leaders. For specific topics such as mountain medicine, methodology of the leaders training, legal frameworks in tourism, etc., the training is provided by external collaborators, specialists in the respective fields.


The training is delivered through theoretical and practical instruction, including one-day seminars, multi-day seminars, independent fieldwork, theoretical and research-oriented assignments, as well as online classes.

The primary format for conducting training activities is multi-day seminars, usually organized in blocks of three to seven days. Depending on the structure of the training group and the candidates' availability, the training schedule can be adapted (e.g., during weekdays, working hours), but it must comply with the training program approved by the Ministry of Education and the UIMLA Standard.

Mandatory Requirements for Enrollment in the Training

Candidates wishing to enter the training process for professional mountain Leaders must meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years old;
  • Have completed at least a secondary education;
  • Possess basic knowledge of independent movement and stay in the mountains or have completed training in a specific mountain sport-recreational discipline;
  • Not have their work capacity revoked;
  • Have no convictions for violence.

Entrance Selection Test

Before starting the training, each candidate must pass an entrance control test. The test consists of theoretical and practical assessments of the candidate's readiness to enter the training process. The criteria for these tests are based on the mandatory minimum standards recommended by the international union and are included in the UIMLA Standard document.

Control Tests

During the training, several theoretical and practical control tests, including physical evaluations, are conducted. These tests are administered after the completion of specific training phases to gain better insight into the educational progress of each candidate. Successfully passing these control tests is a prerequisite for advancing to each subsequent phase of training and for taking the final exams.

Final Exam

The final exam for obtaining a Diploma for International Mountain Leader is taken at the end of the summer modules (final summer exam) and winter modules (final winter exam) and is conducted in several phases:

  1. Practical exam, including physical evaluations;
  2. Written test;
  3. Oral exam—interview.

The exams are taken before a three-member commission consisting of members of the Mountain Academy’s expert team, with at least three licensed mountain Leaders—instructors—being part of the commission.

The Diploma for International Mountain Leader is issued with a validity of two years. During this period, the candidate must complete the internship process to obtain the right to hold the IML professional Leader license card and the right to use the UIMLA logo and badge.


After obtaining the status of Aspirant for International Mountain Leader, achieved by passing the exams or completing 75% of the training, the candidate undergoes an internship process under the mentorship of a licensed mountain Leader qualified to provide instruction and mentorship. The candidate can choose a mentor or seek assistance from the Mountain Academy's expert team or the governing bodies of MKAIML.

During this period, the candidate must, among other things, as a group leader, complete:

  • At least 10 mountain tours with clients in summer conditions;
  • At least 10 mountain tours with clients in winter conditions;
  • At least 5 of the summer tours must be on peaks higher than 2000 meters;
  • At least three of the winter tours must be on peaks higher than 2000 meters;
  • At least three of the winter tours must be conducted with snowshoes.
  • At least one winter tour and one summer tour must include overnight camping in tents.


After successfully completing the internship and receiving a positive evaluation from the mentor, the candidate attains the status of International Mountain Leader (IML). If they comply with the provisions of the Statute and the Regulations of MKAIML, and after the verification of documentation by the Executive and Supervisory Boards of MKAIML, they earn the right to hold the UIMLA carnet and badge.

In performing their duties, mountain leaders must adhere to the provisions of the UIMLA Standard, MKAIML Regulations and the Law on Tourism Activities of the Republic of Macedonia.

Skopje, February 2024

Macedonian Association of International Mountain Leaders (MKAIML)
President: Kostantin Ciriviri